Caring Together: How Cardiac Rehab at Shore Became Paul’s Lifeline

For 77-year-old Paul G. of Atlantic City, careful observation has always been second nature. As a retired civil trial attorney based in Philadelphia, he spent 45 years analyzing details, consulting closely with medical experts, and understanding how people work. That same sharp eye now gives him a deep appreciation for the compassion and expertise of the team at Shore Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehab Program.  

"I watch people closely—I always have," Paul says. "And what I see at Shore is truly remarkable. The care, the attention, the effort they put in—They’re incredible. Just thinking about how much they care fills my eyes with tears. I feel so lucky to have them in my corner."  

Paul began Shore’s cardiac rehab program in October 2023, three months after open-heart surgery. He was determined to regain strength and health while exercising with support of his care team. After completing 12 weeks of rehab, he moved into the maintenance program, and enjoyed his twice-weekly morning exercise with fellow patients he’s come to know who call themselves the “Coffee Club”. 

But on November 29, 2024, everything changed.  

“I was celebrating my birthday at a restaurant in Margate when I went into sudden cardiac arrest. The pizza chef jumped right in and started CPR, and miraculously, I was one of the small percentage of people who survive cardiac arrest outside of the hospital, without any deficits,” Paul said. 

Paul had a defibrillator and pacemaker put in, and three weeks later—with a new appreciation for life—he was back in cardiac rehab at Shore, determined to keep moving forward. This time, he was enrolled in the “monitor in therapy” program, which couples cardiac rehabilitation with physical therapy. 

A Deep Appreciation for Shore’s Team  
With his unique career history, Paul is a good judge of people, and what he’s found at cardiac rehab in his team has deeply moved him.  

"I see the way they do their jobs, how much they care, how much effort they put into helping people," he says. "It’s incredible to watch."  

As a Philadelphia resident most of his life, Paul had been accustomed to seeking medical care in the city, but his experience at Shore has shown him that exceptional care exists close to home. In addition to his cardiac rehab and physical therapy team—including physical therapist Joe Farrell, pictured with Paul above left, and exercise physiologist Sandy Martini, above right—he also appreciates his primary care physician with Shore Physicians Group, Dr. Ulices Perez, and his cardiologist, Dr. James Davis with Penn Cardiology Somers Point.  

"My cardiac rehab team takes good care of me, and they worry about me," Paul shares. "Honestly, they worry more about me than I do. And that kind of care is something special."  

Paul’s story is a testament to the high-quality care available at Shore Medical Center, made possible in part by generous community support from people like you. Your generous donation will help us maintain the equipment and resources our patients need for recovery, allowing them to heal and regain their strength with confidence.

Please consider making a gift to Shore Medical Center today so we can continue providing the highest quality care to those who need it most. With your gift, we are “Caring Together” and keeping our community heart-healthy and strong.